Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Sunday, November 21, 2010

First Thanksgiving-24 Weeks

I am now officially 24 weeks pregnant and can no longer see my toes when I am standing up and looking down!  It makes me laugh every time I try.  Little Miss P is moving like crazy and finally kicked hard for Grandma Kelly!  So exciting!  Everything I read says that at 24 weeks, she can respond to sound.  I am trying to give her soothing sounds and am glad to use this excuse every time Ryan is blaring his music in his car.  (I will never understand how he sees loud music as a stress relief; however, he has been REALLY stressed at work, so I am trying to be patient.)

Ryan and I pulled off our first Thanksgiving at our house this weekend, and when I say Thanksgiving, I mean the turkey, dressing, sweet potatoes...the whole shi-bang!  I guess something about being pregnant makes me want to turn into some kind of domestic goddess!  Lol!  It surprisingly turned out really well.  Cooking the turkey was quite the experience.  My mom laughed at me when I called her at 8:00 the night before asking where I could find a good turkey.  She explained that most people buy their turkeys 3-5 days before their dinner so that they can thaw.  Doesn't she know how I procrastinate?  Thank you Sam's Club for having fresh turkeys!  I have attached some pictures of our wonderful meal, which I might add, required 7 whole sticks of butter!  I also attached some house pictures, because we have officially been in our new home for 1 year as of this weekend.

I hate to make it official, so let's just say that we are 90% sure that we have a Payton.   There are 2 reasons why I am thinking this, and I have listed them below.  The second being on a much more serious note than the first.  :)

1)  I ordered the cutest bottle bag with the name PAYTON really big on the front!  It was too cute to pass up!

2)  In church today, when I was thinking about her and saying all my usual prayers for her, I found myself calling her Payton. 

6 month belly pictures will be coming soon! 

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