Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Friday, November 12, 2010

23 Weeks!

So, this is week number 23!  It is so hard to believe how fast time is flying by, and I know it is going to continue to do so as we move into the holidays.  Things have been super busy this week.  We went to the doctor for our November check-up.  We got to see more precious pictures of our beautiful baby girl!  I know it's too early to tell, but I think she is going to look like her dad.  I really can see some of his features in her.  I guess we will have to wait and see!  We went in for another ultrasound to check out her heart, (she wasn't cooperating well last time, so the doctor wanted to have a second look) and all looks good!  Every time we get to see her and get updated on how she is growing and developing is a constant reminder of how blessed we are!  We go again in December for the wonderful glucose test!  (I haven't heard too many good things about this one.)  However, I am not a picky eater/drinker.  I can pretty much choke anything down, so surely the orange drink can't be too bad.  I am still trying to figure out exactly how I am going to work this out though.  It HAS to be drunk between 2:00-2:05 the day of my appointment.  This is right in the middle of my 9th period class.  Surely the kids won't mind if I take a few moments out of class to chug down a tasty orange drink.  Who knows, I may be nice and offer to share!  :) (Totally kidding!)

I had the day off yesterday, so my mom and I went shopping.  We have quickly discovered how dangerous all the baby/children's clothing stores can be!  She is already getting spoiled by grandma, and she is not even here yet!  The best part about shopping for her is getting to show Ryan all the cute little items when he gets off work!  He really does enjoy looking at everything, and I think it helps it all seem a little more real to him.  Speaking of Ryan, he has been so great through all of this, and I know he will be an AWESOME dad!  As for names, still no decisions yet.  For all my close friends who know me well, this should come as no surprise!  I have attached some pictures to re-cap all thats been going on.  By the way, Little Miss P weighs  1 pound 2 ounces.  (So, where is that extra 15 pounds coming from that has magically appeared on the scale since last June????)  Oh well!  It will all be so worth it!

                                                 Her first tu-tu thanks to Grandma Kelly

A gift for baby AND mommy (Coach Diaper Bag) thanks to Great-Grandma Dorothy!

1 comment:

  1. Holly, I love the post!! Glad to hear you are doing well!! Every time I see your grandma she is talking about "her new little girls" that are coming!! I just love her :) Congrats and good luck with all that is too come!! It is true you don't know how much your mom really loves you until that precious little girl lays eyes on you....then you realize what parental love really is!!
