Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Days!

We sure have been enjoying our fall days, but we are definitely ready for some cooler weather! I will be 36 weeks on Monday, and I must say, I am tired of this heat.  However, I can't complain too much because this pregnancy has went pretty smooth.  Other than being extra tired and it being a little more difficult to chase Payton around, things are going great!  We went to the doctor yesterday, and our sweet girl is measuring perfect and head down.  I thought I started to feel the first minor contractions over the weekend, so maybe when we go back to the doctor on Wednesday (We are going every week now!) I will have made some progress.  We also get another ultrasound on Wednesday, which we are SO excited for!  We haven't gotten to see our little one, since around 20 weeks, so we are hoping for some good pictures!

Payton seems to be pretty excited to become a big sister.  Ryan and I bought her a Veggie Tales movie with the theme of becoming a big sister, and she likes to talk about how she is going to get a little sibling just like the character in the movie.  We have also read some books at the library about bringing home a new baby, so I think she is starting to understand as much as she is able to, what is about to happen.  Speaking of Payton, she has been growing like a weed!  I can't believe how much she has changed since her second birthday.  In 6 months, she has given up her pacifier, moved to a big bed, and is potty trained!  Her language is also SO much more developed.  She can pretty well communicate with anyone, and for the most part, is very easy to understand.  Her eating is getting much better.  She is starting to enjoy things like steamed broccoli, asparagus, corn, potatoes, tomatoes, and cucumbers!  I never thought this would happen, so moms....if you have a picky eater, just keep on pushing the vegetables!  Your little one may eventually come around. I would always fix Payton a plate of veggies at meal times, even knowing that there was a good chance she wouldn't touch anyone of them.  Most of the time, I was right, but over time, she has started to try new foods and has realized that she actually likes them!  Yay!! Her request every morning for breakfast is French toast and eggs.  Ryan and I think this is SO funny because it doesn't matter if she's had it every day of the week, every morning when I ask her what she wants, her response is like clockwork.

Payton and I have gotten into a new schedule this fall.  We go to play group on Tuesday mornings, Story time on Wednesday mornings, and Kindermusik class on Friday mornings.  Payton loves these activities, and she has improved greatly on following directions and getting along with others!  We take Tinley with us to playgroup, which Payton loves, and her other friend Addi, joins us for story time on Wednesdays.  It is so neat watching her begin to develop friendships, so I am trying to do all I can to facilitate this.  She LOVES her music class!  Her teacher is a male, which I selected intentionally.  Payton has always been really intimidated by males, and we actually had to quit going to her gymnastics class when the instructor switched to a male because she refused to participate.  I guess I shouldn't see this as too much of a bad thing! Haha!  However, her music instructor is excellent, and it has really helped her get past this!  The class has been awesome, and she looks forward to going every week!

I am going to try to post updates more frequently as we get closer and closer to our due date.  We still haven't completely confirmed a name yet, so hopefully within the next few weeks we can come to terms on that!  Prayers for a smooth delivery with a healthy baby would be much appreciated. Only about 3 more weeks to go!!

35 Weeks!
Payton and Elliot on Elliot's first birthday!

Reading with Addi at the library!

First trip to the Fall Festival!

Enjoying our Music Class!

More fun at Story Time!

Enjoying a day at home-Cutting out letters from play dough

Completing some art work!

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