Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Payton!

I really cannot believe it, but our little Payton Elaine celebrated her fourth birthday last month!  It's crazy to think that it has been 4 years since we began this parenting journey.  For some reason, I was a little more emotional on this birthday than I have been on the others.  Four just seems so grown up!  We are very proud of our big girl.  Payton is almost through her first year of preschool, and has done so well! It seems like every year brings new milestones and challenges, but also so much more fulfillment and joy!

Payton got to choose how she spent her special day.  It began with our traditional birthday cake pancakes for breakfast and was followed by an afternoon spent at Build a Bear with Grandma Kelly, Grandma Ruby, and her good friend Addy.  Thankfully, daddy was able to make it home from work a little early, so we had a special birthday dinner that evening.  We had a party the following weekend with our close friends and family.

When thinking about what to include in Miss Payton's birthday post, I began to recap highlights of the past year.  The 3's were a major growing year for us!  I would also probably say that they have been the most challenging so far.  However, it has been so encouraging and rewarding as we are starting to reap some of the benefits of all of the disciplining and teaching that we have poured into the past 3 years.  Payton is forming friendships with others, learning to be more and more independent, becoming more patient and caring, learning to take responsibility for certain things, and most importantly, growing to love the Lord!!  Not a day goes by that we are not thankful to God for allowing us and entrusting us to parent these two little girls! To Him be all the glory!

Payton Elaine- We are so proud of the young girl that you are becoming.  May you always hold on to that bold, confident, kind, and courageous spirit that the Lord has given you and may you use it to glorify Him! Happy FOURTH Birthday, sweet angel!  We love you with all of our hearts!