Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Summer 2015

Its hard to believe that summer 2015 is already in the books. What a great one we had! The girls and I were able to spend many days down at the pool, and we all enjoyed evening walks together and lots of meals outside. Elin was old enough to really enjoy the summer! She loved going swimming and playing at the park.  Payton got a new bike this year and really got good at learning how to ride it.  She also learned how to swim some without her puddle jumper, so that was super exciting!

Ryan and I decided that the girls could each choose one extra activity to do this summer.  Elin enrolled in her first Kimdermusik class. She seemed to really enjoy it! It took her a little bit to warm up to the instructor and the kids, but we definitely saw improvement from week to week. Payton decided that she wanted to do swimming lessons.  I'm glad that she chose this, because she seemed to really benefit from them this time!

In addition to all of this summer fun, we spend a week down at Grandma and Papa's cabin, with them, Aunt Kyla, Uncle Kenny, and Ezra.  We all enjoyed riding the boat and spending time with each other.  Payton was a little fish in the water! Elin still wasn't so sure. She really wanted to get in, because that's what Big Sis was doing, but once in the water, she soon wanted out. So indecisive! Poor girl comes by it honestly. Lol! We started the trip off in St. Louis helping Aunt Kyla move and were able to visit the zoo and the Magic House, which the girls loved!

Shortly after this trip, we celebrated the 4th of July.  Our neighborhood has a parade every year, so the girls enjoyed being a part of that.  We decorated the wagon in fun holiday décor, and enjoyed refreshments with everyone down at the clubhouse.  After the parade, the girls and I did some fun crafts at home, made a flag fruit pizza, and watched the fireworks from our back patio.  It turns out we had a pretty good firework show!  Payton and daddy set off some small fireworks, and Payton really enjoyed the sparklers. 

Payton is now 4 years old and growing up so fast. She is the smartest and sweetest girl, and I hope she always holds on to her kindhearted spirit. She is getting really good at writing her name and can count to 100. Crazy that we are in pre-k this year! Miss Elin is now 22 months. She is really trying to talk. She's starting to say a few small sentences, and it is just so cute! We are starting to enter the strong willed/trouble sharing stage, but I'm thinking having a big sister will help with that some.

Ryan is digging deep into his career. He is now working as the engineering coordination manager, and works SO much! We are definitely proud of what he's doing; however, the late work days can be hard. He does a really good job balancing it all though, and these two little girls definitely adore their daddy!

We are excited for the fall and the cooler weather. Payton has started pre-k, and Elin is in her second music class. There is nothing else I'd rather do than staying busy with the girls and being so involved in their lives. We are blessed!

Family Swim in Kentucky Lake

Elin and Papa Driving the Boat

Payton and Grandma Enjoying a Boat Ride

Mommy and Pay

Enjoying a Week at the Cabin

Miss E and Mommy Enjoying the Boat

Ice cream at the Zoo

St. Louis Zoo Trip

Breakfast at Aunt Kyla's

4th of July Painting

4th of July Baking

Enjoying Snacks after the 4th of July Parade

Watching the Fireworks

 My Little Bakers Making Chocolate Chip Cookies

Making Lemon Muffins for Breakfast

Bike Ride

Miss Pay Showing off her new Bike

Summer Days at the Pool

Picnicking at the Park

We loved having Aunt Kyla Visit

Family Trip to Holiday World

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Easter 2015

Easter is one of our family's favorite holidays!  We celebrate God's most important gift...a risen Savior!  I feel like as I grow more in my own spiritual walk, the gift of God's love, mercy, and grace seem so great that it's almost impossible to comprehend. As I continue to parent, I am SO thankful for the wisdom He gives as well as the grace he extends in ALL moments!  God has graciously taught me in the moments when I'm feeling like I'm not enough, that it's ok, because even though I"M  not enough,  HE IS ENOUGH. period. What a good feeling that is!!  How blessed we are that God sees us through the eyes of Jesus, his perfect creation!

Easter was so fun this year.  Elin was old enough to enjoy some of the activities.  We colored eggs, and had an egg hunt at Grandma Kelly's and Papa John's.  With Payton being 4 this year, she is understanding more about the Easter story.  In addition to what we have taught at home and what she has learned at church, her preschool really puts the true meaning of Easter as the heart of their curriculum during the spring.  We were excited to attend her Easter party at school, and Elin enjoyed being with sissy and her friends at school for the day!  Holidays are such a fun time for our family, and how blessed we are to have celebrated another Easter together!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Payton!

I really cannot believe it, but our little Payton Elaine celebrated her fourth birthday last month!  It's crazy to think that it has been 4 years since we began this parenting journey.  For some reason, I was a little more emotional on this birthday than I have been on the others.  Four just seems so grown up!  We are very proud of our big girl.  Payton is almost through her first year of preschool, and has done so well! It seems like every year brings new milestones and challenges, but also so much more fulfillment and joy!

Payton got to choose how she spent her special day.  It began with our traditional birthday cake pancakes for breakfast and was followed by an afternoon spent at Build a Bear with Grandma Kelly, Grandma Ruby, and her good friend Addy.  Thankfully, daddy was able to make it home from work a little early, so we had a special birthday dinner that evening.  We had a party the following weekend with our close friends and family.

When thinking about what to include in Miss Payton's birthday post, I began to recap highlights of the past year.  The 3's were a major growing year for us!  I would also probably say that they have been the most challenging so far.  However, it has been so encouraging and rewarding as we are starting to reap some of the benefits of all of the disciplining and teaching that we have poured into the past 3 years.  Payton is forming friendships with others, learning to be more and more independent, becoming more patient and caring, learning to take responsibility for certain things, and most importantly, growing to love the Lord!!  Not a day goes by that we are not thankful to God for allowing us and entrusting us to parent these two little girls! To Him be all the glory!

Payton Elaine- We are so proud of the young girl that you are becoming.  May you always hold on to that bold, confident, kind, and courageous spirit that the Lord has given you and may you use it to glorify Him! Happy FOURTH Birthday, sweet angel!  We love you with all of our hearts!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Christmas 2014

As always, Christmas 2014 was a great one!  It seems like each Christmas is just a little sweeter than the last.  Elin and Payton were both at really fun ages to enjoy all the festivities.  We started trying to implement a family tradition where each day of the month of December, the girls got to open a mini stocking.  Each stocking contained a Bible verse pertaining to Christmas, a fun activity to do that day, and a little piece of candy.  Payton LOVED this!  Some of our favorite activities included making Christmas ornaments, making a gingerbread house, baking Christmas cookies, setting up our nativity, buying Christmas presents for children in need, driving through the Fantasy of lights, making rice krispy Christmas trees, taking a ride on the Polar Express, and Christmas shopping for members of our family.  Hopefully, this will be a tradition that we are able to continue for a long time. In addition to all of these activities, Payton had a Christmas celebration at her preschool and got to participate in her first Christmas program at church. So fun!

Ryan was able to take close to 2 weeks off during the holidays.  I always love this extended family time we get as we celebrate our Savior's birth. The Tuesday before Christmas, we had our family Christmas at home.  It was a little bittersweet, because this will be our last Christmas in our first home. We tried to make it extra special! Tuesday evening, we made our way to Fairfield to celebrate the week of Christmas with family. It is a time definitely cherished, as we are able to spend time with cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandmas, some of whom we don't get to see too often. It's always somewhat sad as the holidays come to an end, but we are so thankful for a blessed holiday season and can't wait to see what God has in store for us in 2015!