Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Happy Birthday, Elin!

I really can't believe it, but our little Elin Cole celebrated her first birthday this past Friday.  It's crazy to think that it was a year ago when we were trick or treating with Payton at Eastland Mall, and I suddenly went into labor.  Miss Elin was in a huge hurry, and quickly made her debut at 11:22 pm on Halloween night.  How blessed we have been this past year to watch this little girl grow, develop, and come into her personality! We thank God everyday for the blessing of having two healthy, happy little girls!

Elin can now say "ma ma" and "da da", can take several steps, can wave "bye bye", and loves to clap her hands and dance.  She also loves to eat and loves to play in the bath tub.  She is a very happy baby and loves to play chase with big sister Payton.  It's been so rewarding watching Payton and Elin interact more now that Elin is a bit older.  Payton loves to push her on the swing, take walks in the stroller with Elin, and to try to get Elin to laugh (which isn't too hard! lol!) Having a little sister has also been quite the learning experience for Payton, as she is now having to share her toys and her mommy and daddy.  Although this can take patience and be quite the challenge at times, we know that it is SO good for them, and that one of the greatest gifts that the both of them will ever have is each other!

It's funny because, I joke with Ryan that no one ever told me that birthdays were THIS important to mommies! It seems like I always look at birthdays as a time to reflect on everything we've accomplished the past year as a family.  God seriously teaches us SO much as we embark on this parenting journey.  I don't think we have ever been more thankful for His mercy and grace.  The other night, as I was reading before bed, the verse Philippians 1:6- "And I am sure of this, he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ," really hit me hard.  God seemed to remind me through reading that verse of how our children were given to us by Him to be stewards over, and that He has created them with a Godly purpose that we as parents must help guide and lead them to discover. 

Ryan and I recently took a baby dedication class through our church in which we had specific assignments to discuss and complete together.  One specific assignment asked us to list character traits that we wish to instill in our children as they become adults. This proved to be quite the task, as there are SO many things a parent wishes for their child! Also, the weight of responsibility weighs heavily on your shoulders when you begin to think about the task that God has entrusted you with. However, we managed to sum up our list to a "top 4," and are going to do our best to reflect on these traits every birthday and view them as a "road map" for us as we continue to parent. So, to wrap up Miss Elin's birthday post, we thought it would be appropriate to list these traits as a way to document them.

1) God loving- We feel so strongly that this is the number one, most important trait, as hopefully all other traits will be a reflection of this.  We pray that our children will fall in love with God as their creator, master, father, friend, source of joy, and comforter.  We hope that they will develop a desire to please Him and that they will fall in love with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

2) People Loving- We hope to instill a love for God's people within our kids.  We pray that they will have a desire to glorify God through self sacrifice and service to His kingdom.

3) Joyful- We pray that our children will understand where their source of joy should come from, not through earthly things, but through Godly and eternal things.

4) Hardworking- We hope that our children will work hard at whatever it is that they have been called to do with their focus being on pleasing and glorifying God.

Elin Cole- We pray everyday for God to give us the tools and wisdom that we need as parents to help us lead you to Him. He has given you such a sweet spirit and joyful personality! We cannot wait to see His plan unfold in your life. We will constantly be doing our best to remind you of Philipians 1:6- "He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ."  Happy First Birthday little angel...We love you with all of our hearts! :)

Enjoying her special birthday pancakes!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

I Love You, Mom!

As I sit here tonight holding Miss Payton while she sleeps, I keep replaying a certain moment that I had with her several months ago. The two of us were laying on the couch and had just finished up reading some bedtime stories. I kissed her forehead as she snuggled up next to me to drift off to sleep. I closed my eyes for a quick cat nap next her like I usually do as I put her to bed. After a few minutes, I opened my eyes to see if she was asleep enough for Ryan to carry her to bed. As I peaked over at her, to my surprise, she was watching me, and we instantly made eye contact. As soon as I looked at her, she whispered, "I love you, mom."

The significance of that moment is that I instantly knew that Payton was telling me this because she sincerely FELT it. Sure she had told me she loved me several times prior to this. but something about this time was different. She wasn't saying it to make me feel good, get praised, to be kind, or because I said it first. She was saying it because she actually FELT it.  It's one of those parenting moments I  hope to never forget.