Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Summer 2013!

It's hard to believe that summer is coming to a close.  Even though its somewhat sad that it's over, we couldn't be more excited for this next season and for all of the exciting changes that will be happening with our family!  Only 7 more weeks until we get to meet our sweet new baby girl!  At the beginning of the summer, I created a "Bucket List" for Ryan, Payton, and me.  I have seen a few other families do this and thought it was a great way to create family memories as well as to make sure that we were taking advantage of all the times we were able to share together.  We have quickly learned that it is crazy how fast time flies with little ones at home and feel that it is extra important to make the most of each day.  I am excited to say, that we were able to check off almost every item on our list, and the few that we weren't able to get to, I will have to take note of so that we can get to them next year.  Some of the items were simply activities for us to do together while others were developmental goals that I created for Payton.  With that being said, here is our family's "Bucket List" for Summer 2013:

1) Zoo Trip- Payton really loved the zoo this year!  We read a lot of books with animals in them, and it was fun to watch her recognize that some of the animals in her favorite books were also at the zoo!

2) Trip to Holiday World- This was Payton's first visit to Holiday World, and we all had a blast!

3) Watch Fireworks!- We didn't see too many good ones on the fourth of July, but were able to watch some from our balcony in Destin, FL
4) Boat Ride- We were able to take several boat rides on Papa's boat this summer.  Payton loved it!
5) Picnic Lunch at the Park- Fortunately, we were able to do this several times this summer.  In this particular picture, Payton's best friend Tinley was able to join us, and Ryan met us at the park over his lunch hour.

6) Build a Sandcastle- Payton loved the sand this year and was able to play in it both in Hilton Head Island, SC and in Destin FL this summer.
7) Swimming Lessons!- Payton completed two 6 week sessions this summer.  She is now finished until she turns 3.

 8) Make Homemade Ice cream- Unfortunately, this was one we just didn't get to this year, although we made several runs for ice cream to places like orange leaf, Dairy Queen, and Sonic.  Guess I'll push this one to next summer! :)
9) Potty Training!!  This has been a work in progress, although, I think we are almost there!! We have came a long way over the course of the summer. I've been told that it's best not to push this too hard, so I tried not to stress about it a whole lot. However, it would be REALLY nice to have this mastered before the new baby, so now that Payton has a pretty good grasp on it, my goal is to take a week in October to focus solely on this to get it mastered!  Please excuse the picture, I just couldn't help myself! :)
10) Loose Paci!!- It is with great pride that we are able to check this one off the list.  I didn't think we would ever loose the pacifier, and if we did, I was certain that I'd never get a good night's sleep again!  Lol! Fortunately, this was not the case at all!! My strategy, as with most parenting issues, was to spend one afternoon in intense prayer over the issue and to tackle it the next day with patience, consistency, and strength! Haha! I must say, the Lord has never let me down! It really only took one hard day to break Payton from this.  We explained to her how big girls really don't need to use pacifiers and that we knew she was a big girl and could do this. She did ask for it a few times the first day, but I just made sure I had a lot of fun distractions available for her like fun treats and busy, hands on activities. I let her have it at nap and bed time only the first day, but I cut the tip off and took it straight out of her mouth the second she was close to falling asleep.  The second day, she only asked for it at nap, which I gave to her, but cut a little more off the tip. She went to bed just fine that day without it. The third day, she didn't ask for it at all, and its been about a month since we've had any pacifiers around the house!! We know she is broke, because we can talk about her giving up her pacifier to others in front of her without her getting upset.  She actually seems very proud of herself, and of course, we are too!  Good job Payton!! I had to include this picture because THIS was how we started off the summer, hence as to why this goal seemed so unreachable.  lol! 
11) Pick strawberries- We weren't able to pick strawberries this year, so this is one that will be pushed to next year; however, Payton loved getting to pick tomatoes in papa's garden!
 12) Visit the Children's Museum- We did this towards the start of summer and are definitely due for a trip back. Always a great time when we visit cMoe!

13) Fly a Kite- This is another that we just didn't get to this summer. I'm actually thinking that we might add it to our "Fall Bucket List!"
14) Feed the ducks!- Payton got to do this the weekend she stayed with grandma and grandpa!  Of course she loved it, given that she loves to do anything that involves animals!
 15)  Late night run to DQ- Fortunately or unfortunately, however you want to look at it, we had several nights where we could have checked this off the list, and I think my weight gain with this pregnancy is starting to reflect that! Haha!! Not only did we have several runs to DQ, but we also made several runs to Sonic for milkshakes!  lol! I still think the ice cream was worth the calories though! :)
16) Make a cobbler together- Unfortunately, we didn't get to do this with Payton, but she did get to do it with her Aunt Kyla! (Aunt Kyla is the master baker of the family!) I'm confident Payton had JUST as much fun doing this with her aunt!

17) Trip to the cabin with grandma and grandpa- We were able to take several weekend trips to my parents cabin this year.  Payton loved the boat and of course, loved spending time with her grandparents!
18)  Swim in the Ocean!- Our little "water baby" LOVED swimming in the ocean this year!

19) Trip to Chuck E Cheese- This was a great rainy day activity, and given that it was a little harder for mommy to get around this summer, daddy was a trouper and helped chase Payton through the tunnels! Haha!
20) Graduate from Payton's crib in the nursery to her big girl bed in her new bedroom!- Last night was Payton's first night in her new bed, and she did great!  She slept until 5:00 this morning and went right back to sleep after I laid next to her for a bit.  This is good for Payton!
What a great summer we have had!  So thankful for all the memories we have made/continue to make as we grow our family! God is SO good and we have never been more thankful for his abundant love and blessings!
"But if serving the Lord seems undesireable to you, then choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorities, in whose land you are living, But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15