Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Halloween/Thanksgiving 2012

Boy, we have been super blessed the past couple months as we have celebrated different holidays, spent a lot of time with family and friends, and have enjoyed watching little Payton grow into this little lady with her own personality. Since my last post, Payton has celebrated her second Halloween and her second Thanksgiving! We really don't do a whole lot on Halloween other than take Payton trick or treating to our close friends and family members' homes; however it is a nice excuse to dress Payton up in a cute costume and take tons of pictures! lol!  This year, Ryan's work designated a time when all the employees could bring their children in to trick or treat.  Of course, Ryan loved getting to show off his little peacock!  Speaking of the peacock costume, Payton absolutely hated it at first, until I took her to a mirror, and she couldn't stop laughing and posing!  Too cute!

Also since my last post, we were able to visit my brother and his wife Amy in Athens, Ohio.  Kenny and Amy moved to Athens last June to plant a church with about 25 other members from their previous church in Carbondale, IL. It is so amazing to see how God is working through them.  All in just a year, they have moved their church from a small theater on campus at Ohio University, to a large building with a worship center, children's church, and nursery.  They also have organized small groups.  Most importantly, they have grown their attendance from the original 25 to an average of 125! I sometimes can't imagine having the courage to do what they are doing, but it is such an example of how God really does put specific desires in our hearts in order to work through us and will always give us the strength and resources we need to fulfill these desires! I have had to remind myself of this often, especially when it comes to parenting! I have always had a strong desire to raise God seeking children and to be home with my kids, and there have definitely been days when I feel like I have absolutely NO idea what I am doing, can't manage to get anything done, and have patience that are worn completely thin.  However, I am SO thankful for God's contant provision, and his mercy and grace that are always there for me when I tend to fail miserably on my own! 

Payton's second Thanksgiving was much better than last year. (We had an ear infection last year.) We had Thanksgiving at our house on Wednesday with Ryan's family and at my parent's house on Thursday.  Wednesday was my second attempt at cooking a whole Thanksgiving meal, and I think it turned out pretty good! 

On a side note, Payton has starting calling me "mommy" this week instead of "ma ma."  Its so cute hearing her say it, but it is definitely a reminder of how she is growing into a little girl! Also, she has been much more in to playing "pretend" with her toys.  I will catch her talking to, kissing, and laying her babies down for "night night."  That is one reason why it has taken me so long to post this blog, for she is always asking me to come play with her, which of course, I will NEVER turn down if I can keep from it!! She has also starting going to story time at the library.  She absolutely loves this!  I have really been impressed at how much she has learned from week to week in the short time that we are there, but she really has learned a lot!  She has caught on to the "routine" of the class, is learning how to behave in a group setting, has learned a couple new songs that she will ask to sing throughout the week, and is learning to take turns and share with other kids! ( We've by no means mastered some of these things, but I can definitely see an improvement from week to week!)  For a 21 month old, I feel like this is a lot!! 

We are very excited to move into the holidays!  Payton is at such a fun age, and I cannot wait to celebrate Christmas with her!!  Oh how I am cherishing these days!!

Payton the Peacock!

Visiting Daddy's Work!

Uncle Kenny and Aunt Amy's Church Plant- Brookfield Church

Miss Payton!

Playing outside at Aunt Amy and Uncle Kenny's!

Story Time at the Library

Being a Great Listener!

Payton and Mommy on Thanksgiving!