Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fall Days! / 7 Months Old!

The Legg household sure has been enjoying this beautiful time of year!!  The awesome weather and gorgeous changing colors have sure made us want to spend a lot of time outside.  We have been super busy since my last post, so I am taking some time out of this day to reflect on and thank God for all of our wonderful blessings!

Miss Payton is now 7 months old and is incredibly healthy, happy, and active!!!!  We could not be more blessed!  She also has 2 teeth!  I have been wondering for a while when these teeth were finally going to cut through, and now that they have, Payton sure is a lot less cranky.  She is also sleeping much better!  Thank goodness!  She is still super close to crawling, but has yet to get it mastered.  She is definitely mobile, but when it comes to the actual crawling motion, she can't move forward very far without taking a nose dive into the carpet.  Poor girl!!  I have about decided that I don't want to rush this though, she already seems like she is growing way too fast.  As far as sitting up by herself, she is definitely a pro!!

I am starting to learn that this little princess is going to be a pretty picky eater.  I don't know why this has surprised me, for she is just like her father in every other area, I was just really hoping that she would take after me when it came to eating.  I feel like I tried my best, (tried all the veggies first, tried homemade food, tried heating it up, tried not to wait until she was too sleepy, etc.) but pears and bananas seem to be about all that interests her.  The girl would rather starve than eat the veggies; however, if she eats any amount of solid food, she sleeps so much better.  So needless to say, this girl gets a lot of pears and bananas!  Her absolute favorite is banana yogurt, but we try to just make this a special treat.  :)

Since my last post, Payton got to have another sleep over at grandma's.  I was in a wedding of a close friend of mine, so my parents volunteered to keep Payton for the evening.  She seems to be getting better at staying with people, so hopefully our separation anxiety is improving!  We have had a little more traffic around our house lately, and I am thinking that being around more people has been a good thing for her.  Laurna, one of my closest friends, has been staying with us while her twin boys are in th NICU at St. Mary's.  Although I don't see her a whole lot during the days due to the fact that she is a great mother and always with her boys, I have so enjoyed spending our mornings and evenings together!! 

As I have said numerous times before, having Payton in our lives adds so much more joy and happiness to everyday things.  Even on days when I am completely exhausted, haven't had time to shower, and been stuck in the house for several days, there is honestly nothing else that I would rather be doing!!  I am completely confident that there will not be anything in my life that I will ever do that will leave me more fullfilled, challenged, over-joyed, or complete!  :)  It's funny, because even at this age, I have quickly learned that I need her just as much as she needs me.  As we move into this time of year, I am so excited to get to celebrate Payton's first holidays, and I really hope to not get caught up in all the hustle and bustle that I forget to really enjoy the little things.  If there is one piece of advice that I always hear when talking to experienced parents it's that it just goes SO fast, so you better make time to enjoy it all!  This is what I am praying that I don't forget to do.