Elin and Payton

Elin and Payton

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Girl!!

Miss Payton was especially happy this afternoon, and we were absolutely loving every minute of it!  It must have been those few bites of chocolate pudding I let her taste. Haha!  What a blessing she is!  :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

6 Months Old! :)

Miss Payton celebrated her half birthday this month, and I celebrated my first birthday as a mom!  September is always a fun month for us.  We have so many family birthdays and the cooler weather finally starts to arrive.  These first few weeks leading into fall have been filled with lots of get-togethers with family and friends and time outside.

We cannot believe our little princess is half-way to one!  She is growing so fast.  I have said many times that I am really enjoying this stage with Payton.  (Of course, I have so enjoyed every stage, but all of the smiles, laughing, cooing, and jabbering have definitely made this one loads of fun!)  We had our 6 month check-up yesterday.  Little Payton is 27 inches tall and weighs 15 lb 14 oz.  Poor baby girl had to get 3 more shots.  This definitely never gets easier for mom!
Payton is now sitting up without support, saying the word "da da," (even though we know she doesn't know what it means) and is SO close to crawling- she gets up on all fours and scoots backward.  She also reaches for Ryan and I now when she wants to be picked up.   In addition to all of these new developments, she is also starting to experience a little separation anxiety.  Ryan and I have tried to go out on 2 different occassions and left Payton at our house with close friends.  These night outs ended a little sooner than expected due to Payton being upset.  However, our pediatrician assurred us that this was completely normal at this age, and I think mommy experiences the same thing when she's away from little Payton for very long!  lol!  However, Payton needs to get over this, because we joke that she is scaring away all of our babysitters!  haha!

Life with Payton continues to get sweeter by the moment, and there is not a day that goes by where we are not thankful to God for this amazing gift!  We love you Payton!!!!!!!!