We found out on July 1 of this year that we are expecting our first baby! At the time, we had been in our new house for about 8 months. I had just completed my first year of teaching and Ryan worked (as he still does now) at KDL. Here are some exciting points in our life that I hope to never forget!
July 26, 2010- We had our first doctor's appointment. We had just gotten back from a week long vacation in Florida with Brent and Ashli, which was a little different than previous vacations considering I was 8 weeks pregnant....no rides, exhaustion, and a bed time that had been moved up to about 8:00 pm. We were both so nervous for our first appontment, yet excited at the same time! It was pretty much just an informative visit, but we felt a little more educated after meeting with the doctor. This is a good thing!
July 31, 2010- We enjoyed my brother's wedding in Carbondale. It was a beautiful wedding on a very hot summer day!
August 24, 2010- We heard our baby's heartbeat for the first time! This was such a surreal experience! I was so nervous, and it seemed like it took our doctor forever to pinpoint it (which I know was only like 10-20 seconds), but once she did it was loud and beating strong. We both felt so blessed at that point. It really made this whole experience seem that much more real.
September 21, 2010- We had another doctor's appointment for a quick heartbeat check. Ryan was tied up at work, so my mom got to go with me and hear the heartbeat for the first time! This was an awesome experience for the two of us to share!
October 12, 2010- This was the big appointment that we had been counting down to for weeks! Trying to get through the school day was horrible! I kept looking at the clock and counting down the hours. I am thankful that I have job with not a lot of down time, because this did help the day go by a little faster. Our ultrasound was scheduled for 3:00 pm. Both of our mothers came into town to share this big day with us. Ryan and I went back by ourselves with the ulstrasound tech. We thought we could share the experience together first, and then if all was well, we would bring back our moms. I can't explain that feeling we both had when we first saw our baby's picture appear on the screen. We could see the feet, arms, legs, lips, and nose. Finally, after a long 20 minutes, we heard the news....ITS A GIRL!!! After sharing the news with all our family, we enjoyed a dinner at Red Lobster with our moms, and then came home to a house full of friends who already had gifts bought after only knowing the news for about 2 hours! We sure are blessed!
This brings us to where we are today. I am 21 weeks pregnant and feeling more and more pregnant everyday! Overall, I can't complain. Other than feeling a lot more tired than usual, I have felt pretty good. I always tell Ryan that I feel so sorry for my ninth period class. I try so hard to give them all I've got, but by that time in the day, I don't have much left to give!! I gladly take volunteers from the kids to work the problems out on my board for me, and I always make the kids bring their papers up to my desk when they have a question, because I just don't have the energy to stay on my feet that long. Oh well, they seem to understand. I have felt a little more energy this week. I actually stayed out past 10:00 with friends last night! I guess I better take advantage of those times while I still can. Here are some pictures to re-cap all that's happened!
5 Weeks
8 Weeks
13 Weeks
18 Weeks
We can't wait to meet her!!